We help you design a system that achieves your goals then we help you buy it at discounted prices…

As independent, third party energy system consultants we help you save thousands when you add an alternative energy source like solar, wind and water electric power generation to your home or business.

You save thousands because we are not in the business of selling you a system. As a trusted advisor, our business is to help you buy your equipment at discounted prices and help you hire an installer at a fair price. We do not add-on or mark-up hardware, components or labor…

Our job is to design a system that meets your needs and achieves your goals. Then we help you buy your equipment at discounted prices PLUS we help you hire an installer and negotiate a fair price for installation and you pay us a consultation fee. When you buy your own equipment and hire an installer yourself you eliminate excessive mark-ups and add-ons that most sales people stick you with. You save yourself a ton of money!

Here’s an example…
When you buy a solar power system from a “solar company” they mark-up the hardware then hire installers or an installation company and mark that up too. That means you end up with a much higher bill than you need to. You can’t fault the “solar company” because they do need to make a profit but you can pay significantly less by utilizing our consulting services because we do not add-on or mark-up the cost of hardware or labor.

In a recent situation we worked with a client who was ready to purchase an 8.6 kw grid-tie solar power system. The solar company quoted $3.27 per watt or $28,121.00. By taking our advise and following our recommendations he purchased the equipment (a 9.0 kw system) himself for $14,437 and hired a licensed installer for $2700.00. Our consulting fee was $1800. That’s a total cost of $18,937.00 plus permits. A savings of $9184.00 or nearly 32%. We can help you save thousands on your energy producing system too.

Call today…
We’ll answer your questions and help you get the right solar energy system for your home or business…